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Shift__Emilie zimmerman


I shifted back to human form and looked Jenna in the eyes, I didn’t see a frightened or even scared look, her eyes had gone white and she looked pissed

I looked back up at Jay in confusion and then something happened, as if a shockwave went through the entire place, she sent Jay flying across the room, he hit the wall and went limp

Jenna’s ripped and tattered clothing was flying out around her, and her hair was flying up behind her as if wind was blowing it

She was floating in the air, and when she spoke her voice echoed her own “my friends, you are free” she said kindly to the other prisoners, in a voice that didn’t sound like her own

Suddenly, all the chains that bound the prisoners vanished, then she set her gaze upon Garrison, and it became full of anger “Garrison Lane Hothorn, you, however, are not free! You have abused your powers, and abused your right to be called a shifter; therefore, I shall take away your right

And you will be human again” her voice was full of anger, up until the last part, then her voice was soft and a smile touched her lips

suddenly, Garrisons eyes changed color and were no longer brown, but dark grass green, and his hair changed to brown instead of grey and black, he fell on his knees in front of Jenna and put his hands together as if in prayer “oh thank you so much! I have been trapped in those animals for years! I thank you!” he said, the menacing voice replaced with a grateful and caring one

She nodded and gestured for him to go “be free my child, there is a boat waiting to take you to the nearest island, but do not worry, it is a populated island with your own kind” she assured him
